Wednesday, 10 March 2010

20 miles... complete!

After last weeks pitiful attempt at 18 miles, the focus this week was reaching the 20mile marker... and not crying in the process. An easy 4miles on Wednesday, followed by a core session in the gym. Sometimes it works really well having my 'gym buddy' Jill take on these core sessions with me - but equally as well as we motivate each other, we also know how to persuade each other to skive off.. I think we spent longer in the queue than we did doing sit-ups (in fairness, it was a long queue). Thursdays club run was a 7mile route with 4mile tempo (basically running as fast as your wee legs can take you). Rest Friday and Saturday (wow, what a novelty - two days back-to-back of rest!) to ensure my aching body was ready for Sundays big run...

Pleased to report I made it round the 20miles with not a tear, injury or moan to declare, and in reasonably good time. Twas a lovely morning on Sunday - almost t-shirt weather - and I joined Jill, Charlotte and Steve at the canal for an 'out & back'. I think the entertainment undoubtedly helped pass the time and take my mind off any possible moans... Firstly, Jill's 'long run games' passed a few miles as we all lamely attempted the 'accent game' (random, I know, but running for long periods of time does make your mind go a bit crazy - granted, Jill was only joining us for 6miles so has no excuse for insanity!). Next we were treated to moonie's from a couple of Drumchapels finest - nice. Finally, on the return 'back' along the canal we had an impromptu speed session as the aforementioned Drumchapel characters started lobbing empty beer bottles at us. Fortunately, they had already drank the beer meaning their aim was slightly off or the situation could have been a lot worse. No one mentioned these sort of hazards when I signed up for this marathon!

Six more weeks of training left as of this Sunday...

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