Its been a good week of running since my last post. Another wee gym session with Jill on Wednesday (our stomachs will rival any Gladiator-stars by this summer at the rate we're going). Club session on Thursday - 6miles with a 2mile tenmpo in the middle - good run. Followed by friday and saturday rest in advance on Sundays Balloch to Clydebank half marathon.

I was very much looking forward to this race - yes, half marathon is a challenge, but in comparision to these programmed 20-mile runs, I was eager for a brisk 13.1mile run. My goal for the day was only really to get round and feel comfortable at the end. However I did achieve a new PB, knocking about 4min of the previous. It's probably the first half marathon I've did and actually enjoyed the experience (I do love a moan). A nice relitively flat route that was well supported by friends and fellow Garscub-ies along the way.
In retrospect I probably could have pushed a bit harder today (paranoid fear of injury), but I think I was saving any extra energy for the home straight. Now, there are two places in running I am partitcuarly strong - downhill and the last 100m (you may laugh). Somehow I always have enough energy to sprint that last little bit (my speed training against rottwilers and bottle-throwing neds has inevitably helped). So as I overtook a fellow competitor on the final 100m and she yelled
'well, come on then', the beast was unleashed, as I dusted off that competitive side (thats not reared its head for a while), and arose to the challenge. Every second counts and all that... meep meep, see ya ;-)
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